
"Did you know social media is bad for you?"

Everybody fucking knows that social media is bad for you by now. Even people who USE social media know that its bad for you. If they don't know that, they are usually considered ignorant by most people's standards. What is concerning is that people KNOW that it is bad for them, yet they still use it. The problem with social media is that it is specifically designed to keep you trapped in an endless cycle of content addiction, like some sort of twisted technological nightmare version of samsara. Social media consists of the absolute dregs of the internet. Everything I discussed in my entry on the internet applies ten-fold here. It is here where corporations exercise the most control over the individual, and the individual, knowing this, continues to partake. How is this okay. If you use social media regularly, what is wrong with you?

Being honest with you, reader, I often scoff at people who try and say that our world is "Just like George Orwell's 1984, mannn", because our reality has begun shaping much more into the future of Huxley's "Brave New World", in which the world is held captive not by a savage, brutal and oppressive leader, but by one which distracts its people with pleasure in order to maintain control. I am not much of a conspiratorial type; however, it is clear to anyone who pays attention, that governments, corporations, and basically any motherfucker who wants money and power is going to use social media to distract you from their attempts to screw you the fuck over. And with AI, it will become worse. I deleted most of my social media a long time ago; if you still regularly use it, get out while you still can.


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